Home remedies for sugar

Posted Star News Agency Tuesday, October 10, 2023 , ,

Firdaus Khan
Sugar is such a disease, due to which a person's life gets affected very badly. He cannot eat sweets, fruits, potatoes, colocasia and many other things of his choice. Along with this, he also has to take different types of medicines. No one wants to eat medicine, which has to be taken compulsorily, it spoils its taste. This makes the person more upset.  For the last several days we are studying about spiritual and home remedies for sugar.  We talked to many sugar patients. Such people were also included in these, who are getting expensive treatment, but despite this they did not get any special benefit. Many such people were also found, who did home remedies and are feeling better. Diabetes patients do take medicines from the doctors. But we will tell you about such treatment, due to which the patient does not need medicine.
Jamun is the first cure
Yes, Jamun is the best cure for sugar. Generally, sugar medicines of all methods are prepared from Jamun. Berries come in abundance in the rainy season. In this season the trees are laden with berries. As long as there is season, sugar patients should eat more and more berries. Also, wash the kernels of the berries and keep them dry. Because when there is no season for berries, then grind these kernels and eat a small spoon of its powder in the morning on an empty stomach. Eating four-five leaves of Jamun in the morning and evening also keeps sugar under control. Jamun leaves are easily available throughout the year. People who do not have Jamun trees near their homes, they should ask for Jamun leaves and wash and dry them. Then grind them and use them. Apart from this, put some small sprigs of berries in the earthen pot.
And drink its water. This will also be beneficial.
Neem is the second remedy
Chewing seven to eight green soft leaves of neem on an empty stomach in the morning keeps sugar under control. Keep in mind that after eating neem leaves, have breakfast after ten to fifteen minutes. Neem leaves are easily available.
Guava is the third remedy
Wash and crush two to three guava leaves at night. Then soak it in a glass or ceramic vessel. Keep in mind that the utensil should not be of metal. Sugar remains under control by drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning.
All these three remedies are such that they are easily available. Any patient of sugar can get relief by adopting them. By getting the sugar test done after one month of doing any of these three treatments, it will be known that how much it has benefited.
Consult a doctor in case of further problems.

ईद मिलाद उन नबी की मुबारकबाद

ईद मिलाद उन नबी की मुबारकबाद

फ़िरदौस ख़ान की क़लम से

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एक झलक



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